Personal Testimonials
I Thank My Family For Their Generous Spirit, Thoughtfulness & Gifts Of Kind Words .
K.D. Doane Art East
"A Hero"
A hero doesn't have to be like Superman,
And have super-human strength,
A hero doesn't have o be like Mr. Fantastic,
And stretch to any length.
A hero doesn't have to be like Hark Girl,
And have wings full of feathers.
A hero doesn't have to be like storm,
And be able to control the elements of wether.
A hero doesn't have to be like Spiderman,
And shot webs out of his wrist.
A hero doesn't have to be like Green Lantern,
And project a green image of a fist.
A hero doesn't have to have any powers of all.
My hero is my G-Mom'
Who Always Stands Big and Tall.
Essie Gouveia Cousin
Dear Vondaleah,
You're to be commended for developing The Stone Family History Web site. Remembering me with
your call on Sunday, Lifted my Spirits and my pride - Being a part of that History.
My "Business is Growing - Enclosed is A Sample of my recent framing. Hope you like it. Be Well,
Dear Vodaleah,
A small token to express how very much I appreciate being an Honoree at the family reunion:
to thank you for the scarf and the beautiful Legacy Folder. How proud I feel to be a part of that Legacy.
Wishing you the utmost enjoyment of the holidays and a beautiful, rewarding New Year Day.
Reserved Space For Special Testimonials & Comments.
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